Creative Ways to Store Children's Toys

storing children's toys
  1. Hanging shoe organizers: Hang a clear shoe organizer on the back of a door or inside a closet. Each pocket can hold a small toy or set of toys, keeping them visible and easily accessible.

  2. Magnetic strips: Attach magnetic strips to a wall or the inside of a cabinet door and use small magnets to secure metal toys in place. This method works well for toy cars, building blocks, and other metal toys.

  3. Repurposed bookshelves: Use a bookshelf with adjustable shelves to create customized toy storage. Rearrange the shelves to accommodate toys of different heights and add baskets or bins to corral smaller items.

  4. Wall-mounted buckets: Attach colourful buckets or small pails to a wall or pegboard. These buckets can hold art supplies, small toys, or building blocks, and add a playful touch to the room's decor.

  5. Under-bed storage: Utilize the space under the bed by using shallow storage bins or rolling drawers. This is a great option for storing larger toys or items that are not used as frequently.

  6. Toy hammocks or nets: Install a hammock or net in a corner of the room to hold stuffed animals and soft toys. This creates a whimsical display while keeping the toys off the floor.

  7. Labelled storage bins: Use clear or coloured bins and label them with pictures or words to indicate what types of toys should be stored inside. This encourages children to tidy up and makes it easier for them to find specific toys later.

  8. Wall-mounted pegboards: Install a pegboard on the wall and hang baskets, hooks, and shelves to store various toys and supplies. This versatile storage solution can be customized to fit different types of toys and can easily adapt as your child's collection grows.

  9. Toy rotation system: Divide toys into different sets and rotate them regularly. Store one set of toys in easily accessible bins or shelves, while the others are kept out of reach. Switch the sets periodically to keep the toys fresh and exciting.

  10. Furniture with hidden storage: Look for furniture pieces, such as ottomans, benches, or coffee tables, that have hidden storage compartments. These dual-purpose pieces can be used to store toys while also providing extra seating or surface space in the room.

And if everything else fails, don’t be afraid of calling in the professionals!

marj trevillion